







    (Ariel) Taylor Patterson

    washed up child actor

    procrastinating screenwriter

    people pleaser*



    *definitely not a direct cause of any of the above
  • Born and raised in New York City to a comedy writer turned news producer and a punk rock drummer. Former child actor, current tater tot connoisseur and future First Lady of literally anywhere. I'd be great at picking out fancy plates.

    broken image

    i went here

    I will not, however, live forever or fly high unless Elon Musk wills it so.

    this is where I went to high school. I was a drama major at LaGuardia High School for Performing Arts (you probably know it as the FAME school). There was lots of singing in the hallways and dancing on tables. Also, math sometimes and a great hash brown spot down Amsterdam.

    broken image

    B.A. in theater, accidental minor in Scandinavian Studies

    2/5. Would not recommend.

    this is where I went to college. Not my favorite experience, but I met very amazing people and discovered a deep love for writing and tater tots. Seriously, I had never had tater tots until I got to college. What the hell, mom??

    broken image


    Would my "Hollywood Journey" be complete without a pivot to writing?! NAY!

    This is the very sexy literary agency that reps me because I'm a writer now I guess.... s/o to Matthew Doyle who read a pilot of mine and did not have me institutionalized!!!! There's a painfully hip mural in their reception area and the conference room has pens that are also highlighters. I love them.

  • she looks fun, doesn't she? here's her resume.

    rejoice, all.

  • Very big very exciting earth shattering news

    see mom? i have accomplished at least 4 things! and i've put them all in fun boxes!

    Be FUnny or die trying

    The gang at Funny or Die has come aboard my pilot "Not All Heroes" and we are going to do our very best to make someone buy it! Hooray!


    a digital series I developed and co-wrote is named a semi-finalist in the Sundance New Voices Lab. Always a bridesmaid, amiright??


    "Swingtime", a digital series I helped develop and starred in, is named a finalist at AFF! We are inevitably beaten by a husband/wife team who cast an ensemble of former addicts to play former addicts. Game respect game.


    lol you guys I retired from acting juuuust in time to book a superhero movie. Chances of being left on the cutting room floor? Extremely high indeed!!!

  • did i mention i also write nonfictional, opinion things? do you want to read them?

    silly question.

    see below.

  • should you be interested in my past life...

    here are some of my greatest hits.

  • I am both happy and perfect, as evidenced by my social media presence


  • Contact Me

    send me an email. i love emails.